October 2019
We start a new genotyping project for red deer in Vorarlberg, Austria
August 2019
We are testing new airborne and terrestrial study designs in the Alps

June 2019
We are braving the heat and performing a pilot study for chamois monitoring in Triglav National Park in Slovenia

September 30th-October 2nd 2019
Meet us at the Wildlife Research and Conservation (WRC2019) conference hosted by the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) in Berlin
Since we do not have a booth, please contact us if you wish to meet, or simply approach us in person. We are looking forward!
April 2019
We like to welcome Jakob Viße as new member in our team who contributes skills in data analysis and modeling
January-April 2019
We are carrying out diverse monitoring project throughout Germany
since December 2018 has invested in a new thermal camera system with optical zoom and is testing new study designs
since November 2018 is genotyping ungulates at the eastern Lake Müritz
February-September 2018 is glad to work on a project which is co-funded by the European Space Agency (ESA)
March-April 2018 is travelling all over Germany, performing several genotyping- and aerial surveys
December 2017 uses unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for special investigations and small study areas
November 2017 is performing an aerial survey for wild boar (Sus scrofa) in a reed dominated habitat
August 22nd-25th, 2017 at the IUGB conference in Montpellier/France
May 2017 is doing research work at the central cemetery in vienna
March 2017 is doing aerial wildlifemonitoring overhead the National Park Donauauen/Vienna
January 2017 is doing research work at the central cemetery in vienna
November 10th, 2016 at the 14th Scientific Colloquium at Müritz National Park
June 22nd-24th, 2016 at VWJD Conference 2016 in Trippstadt
June 2016 goes a step ahead and offers also mediation practice
Are you searching for image and footage material for your production? Just give us a call. Either we can offer you something out of the archive, or we are happy to go outdoors and get the desired data with our special equipment directly for you.